Legal conditions


The web site is owned by the Gascogne Flexible company :

GASCOGNE FLEXIBLE, S.A.S. with a capital of € 12 081 075
R.C.S. Mont de Marsan : 312 757 347
SIRET : 312 757 347 00157
APE : 1712 Z
TVA FR74 312 757 347

Address : 68 rue de la papeterie, 40 200 MIMIZAN – France

CEO : Mr Dominique COUTIERE

Publication, Edition, contents : GASCOGNE FLEXIBLE Marketing & Communications department
Webmaster :

Hosting company : ALIENOR – 375 avenue de Tivoli – 33110 LE BOUSCAT

Information and access

Nothing on this web site should be construed as constituting a proposition of sale or purchase. All the products, processes and programmes presented on the web site are not necessarily available in each country. Consequently, the user of this web site recognizes to use these information under his own responsibility.

Gascogne Flexible is only bound by a best-endeavours obligation concerning the information it makes available to persons visiting its web site

Although we have made every effort to ensure the reliability of the information contained on this web site, Gascogne Flexible may not be held liable for any errors or omissions, or for any results that may be obtained by using such information. In particular, using hypertext links at our site may involve you being transferred to other servers, over which Gascogne Flexible has no control, to find information.

The web site is normally accessible 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. In case of major difficulty such as those related to our information system or to the structure of telecommunications networks or any other technical issue, for maintenance reasons or according to any decision of Gascogne Flexible, – this list is not exhaustive – the access to all or part of the site can be interrupted.

The web site can be modified without any notice.

Links to other websites

Gascogne Flexible may propose links from its website to other websites.  These websites are independent and Gascogne Flexible does not publish or control them.  Gascogne Flexible may therefore not be held responsible for their contents, products, advertisements or any elements or services presented on these websites.  We remind you that websites are subject to their own terms and conditions of use and personal data protection. These links can be modified or deleted by Gascogne Flexible without any notice.

Use of personal data

Your contact and geographical data may be requested when you submit a contact form, in order to answer your requests for information or documentation. Personal data are not stored, and are used exclusively by Gascogne Flexible to answer your demand.

Pursuant to French Law no. 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 on computing, files and individual freedoms, the internet user has the right of opposition (art. 26 of the law), access (art. 34 – 38 of the law) and rectification. To exercise this right, you may contact the webmaster at the following address:

Copyright and trademarks

Gascogne is the owner of all right, title and interest in the name of Gascogne. The name and logo “Gascogne” are registered trademarks. You are prohibited from using the name of Gascogne without the positive authorization of Gascogne. This site and its content are protected according to the intellectual property code, mostly regarding branding, copyrights, drawings and patterns.

Under the French Intellectual Property Code and more generally international treaties and agreements containing provisions on the protection of copyright, you are prohibited from reproducing other than for your private use, selling, distributing, issuing, broadcasting, adapting, modifying, publishing, communicating in full or in part in any form the data, site presentation or organisation, or the works protected by copyright shown on the Gascogne Flexible web site without the specific prior written consent of the holder of the copyright attaching to the work, the site presentation or organisation, or the data reproduced.

You are also prohibited from introducing data by whatever means to the Gascogne Flexible web site that would modify or be likely to modify the content or appearance of the data, the presentation or organization of the site, or the works featured on the Gascogne Flexible web site.
For more information, contact the webmaster at the following address: